To learn quickly, make it a game! You can play with these key words on your own, or with friends. Take a horoscope. Chose a placement. It can be a planet in a sign, a planet in a house, an aspect between two planets or a sign in a house. Look at the lists of key words below and combine them to find interpretations. NB: as in life, there will be positive and negative ways to combine energies. If you need more explanations: Each planet is associated with a sign and a house: you get the same key words, for instance for the Moon, the sign it rules which is Cancer, and the associated house which is the 4th. Planets on principle represent the energy and are more likely to be expressed with verbs (for instance the Moon cares, nurtures, feels....) when the sign is a style or a mood and can be expressed with adjectives, adverbs or complements: In Cancer for instance, a planet does what it does with sensitivi...
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