Key words for signs-planets and houses -

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To learn quickly, make it a game! 
You can play with these key words on your own, or with friends. 
Take a horoscope. Chose a placement. It can be a planet in a sign, a planet in a house, an aspect between two planets or a sign in a house. 

Look at the lists of key words below and combine them to find interpretations. 
NB: as in life, there will be positive and negative ways to combine energies.

If you need more explanations:
Each planet is associated with a sign and a house: you get the same key words, for instance for the Moon, the sign it rules which is Cancer, and the associated house which is the 4th. 

 Planets on principle represent the energy and are more likely to be expressed with verbs (for instance the Moon cares, nurtures, feels....) when the sign is a style or a mood and can be expressed with adjectives,  adverbs or complements: In Cancer for instance,  a  planet does what it does with sensitivity, in a caring manner, following their intuition.....  

 The house represents an area of life, so the key words would rather relate to the question "where": the fourth house is where you belong which can be home, your family, your village, your country, your room, your personal space, your secret garden. 
 However, this is not a absolute rule and must be applied with great flexibility. 
 Just pick key words, combine them and see what comes up. For instance.... Mars in Cancer.... Active at home, aggressive in imagination, assertive with sensitivity......What else? 
Your turn! 

Key words. 
Moon:  Taking root. childhood - mother - child - home - roots - belonging - country - emotions -imagination - memory - sensitivity - emotional needs - physical needs - care - food - fertility - instinct - psychic - - tradition - the past - secret garden - cycles
 Water - Cancer - 4th House

Sun: To express.  self - higher self - heart - love - romance- ego -pride -self expression - goals - will power - call - father- role model - creativity - authority - king - center of attention -generosity - performance - arts - high standards - luxury - children (as our creations) - education (because teaching is performing and it taking care of our children) 
Fire - Leo - 5th house

Mercury through Gemini:   To know -  mind - communication - talking - trade - adaptation - multiplicity - exchanges - information - messenger - common sense - - intelligence - thinking-  young man, brother - nervous system - lungs -  - speed - school - student - learning - rational mind - mobility - small journeys -  
Air - Gemini - 3rd house

Mercury through Virgo: To improve - practical sense - rational mind - science - professional life - skills - sense of organization - service - chores - critical thinking - work - health - medicine - routine - rhythm - rituals - intestines - details - small animals - 
Earth - Virgo - 6th house

Venus esp. through Libra:  To relate - love - lovers - harmony - balance - art - fashion -couple - relationships - Partnerships - justice - good taste - pleasing -flirting - charming - sympathy - diplomacy - feelings - the other - kindness - hips -kidneys - young women - sister - 
Air - Libra - Seventh house

Venus esp. through Taurus: To have - love - sensuality - attraction - enjoyment - values - money - self worth - pleasure of the senses - attachments - possessions - -throat - voice - nature, gardens, fairies.  

Mars:  To be -. being - ego -assertiveness - persona - energy - courage - fight -aggression - action -leader - male desire - lover -knight.  go get it! Passion. Impulsivity sport - competition - initiative - starts - birth - individualism-accidents - muscles -blood -inflammations. 
Fire - Aries - First House

Jupiter. To expand - luck - growth -expansion - organisation - generosity - optimism, abundance - taking risks - Olympic games - social integration - laws - moral principles - knowledge - wisdom - authority - faith - great journeys - meeting strangers - big picture - meaning of life - teaching - coherence - unity - a mature man - doctor - bishop - lawyer - expert -liver - religion or spirituality - 
 prayer -god - Fire or Air (here there is an ambiguity as Jupiter is sometimes considered an Air planet and Sagittarius is a Fire sign. Never mind!) Sagittarius - 9th house

Saturn  To achieve - structure - boundaries - limits - fear - long term - resistance - old age - time - restrictions - inhibitions - ambition - efforts - discipline - authority - rigor - austerity - responsibility - social status - reputation -  career - reliability - summit of the mountain - hermit - old man - bones and skin - philosophy - moral principles - duty - stern authority - 
Earth - Capricorn - tenth house

 NB: Strangely enough, the tenth house also signifies "mother" However, if we think of it, our mother is, from the beginning of our life, not only the one who takes care and feeds us, but also the one who gives us structure and limits, punish at times and frustrates our whims...  
Uranus:   To transfigure - hyper mind - plans - future - visions - friends - groups - co operatives - revolutions -institutions -  sudden and unexpected change - insights - break through - break up - intuition - politics - citizenship - ideas - ideals - projects - avant garde - difference - individuality - awaken - eccentric gentlemen - scientist - genius - channelling
Air - Aquarius - 11th house

Neptune:  To transcend - no boundaries - sensitivity - inspiration - mysticism - compassion - empathy - psychic gifts - mediumship - return to unity - ocean - instability - channelling - charity - art - music - pictures - illusions - dreams - haze - absence - dissolution - addiction - depression - mental health - universality - mystery - hidden things - secrets - spirituality - great trials - 
 Water - Pisces - 12th house

Pluto: To renew- crisis - destruction and regeneration - death - rebirth - sex - instincts - power - tribal law - financial flows - inheritance - reptilian brain - intensity - flair - research - emotional intensity - resistance - minerals - psychic gifts - mediumship (talking with the dead) - detective - thriller - underground - forensic expert - psychoanalyst -


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