If you were born in Kiruna, in the north of Sweden, and Cancer or Capricorn were rising, your cross of matter looks like it has been rolled over by a truck. As you know, Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC are the four angles. Together they form the Cross of Matter. However, in many charts, it doesn’t look like a proper cross, with all the right angles at the right places, unless you were born when 0 degree Aries or Libra were rising, in which case your cross of matter looks perfect even in Kiruna. Let’s call the Ascendant “East”, the Descendant “West", the MC “South” (in the Northern Hemisphere) and the IC “North”. This flattened cross of matter looks very wrong. East and North, West and South never collide like that! The MC is not exactly South actually. The MC is where the Sun peaks in its daily course. It’s in the sky. When you’re looking South, you’re not looking upwards but towards the horizon. When the Sun peaks, it shows South anyway...